Contiki is seeing more seasoned travelers shifting their focus from Europe to far-flung African adventures as the company digs into the immersive choice the post-pandemic traveler is hungry for.
The African travel ban is rooted in media alarmism and politics, not science. And it will have disastrous consequences for a continent that has already been beaten down by Covid. Here's why it is just plain wrong.
Throughout the pandemic, people started to realize that we’ve loved our planet nearly to death — quite literally. Will we be able to heal our relationship with Mother Nature as the industry attempts to redefine sustainable travel?
Kirsty Henderson has arguably one of the coolest jobs in aviation: She’s a bush pilot, ferrying passengers across scenic African landscapes like Botswana. What’s more, she’s helping show aviation as a viable career path for young women.
By shifting the focus from watching animals to protecting animals, African countries and safari companies can achieve competitive advantage among today's more educated safari clientele.