Articles tagged “amazon”

Online Travel

Expedia Turns to Amazon Alexa for Its First Attempt at Voice Search

When it comes to new tech platforms and technologies such as voice-activated search with Amazon Alexa, the advantage, in the short term, goes to the big travel tech and marketing companies, including online travel agencies and metasearch companies, because they have the engineering staff and other resources to address these disruptions.
Online Travel

Amazon Chickened Out of Travel - 25 Moments in 2015

25 Moments that Mattered in 2015: To make our selection of 25 moments, we thought back to the stories that drove reader engagement and sparked discussion among both travel experts and the general public. Some stories were quick blips that represented bigger things while others were narratives that built slowly through out the year. Each one, though, spoke to where we are right now when it comes to the big business of global travel.
Online Travel

Amazon Travel Doubles Hotel Coverage and Appoints Former Expedia Exec as GM

Officials at and Expedia know their hotel businesses are so far ahead of Amazon's nascent moves that they aren't cowering in fear at the might of Amazon. But you can bet they will be taking a hard look at the expanded Amazon Destinations today, as will the folks at Google and TripAdvisor.

JetBlue to Keep In-Flight Wi-Fi Free, Thanks to Amazon Prime

With more airlines pushing the benefits of in-flight entertainment, we're reminded of something about bread and circus. JetBlue's investors will likely approve of this new partnership, which makes JetBlue happy too.