Singapore Airlines Partner Content


How Singapore Airlines Uses Tech to Transform Each Step of the Traveler Journey

Technology has proven to be a valuable friend to airlines in the Covid-19 era. As they reimagine every aspect of the travel experience to make trips as safe as possible for passengers and employees, digital solutions, for everything from booking to in-flight entertainment, have become vital.

Pioneering Airline Health and Safety Initiatives for a New Era of Travel

Implementing strong health and safety measures, and then communicating them to customers in a clear and meaningful way that builds confidence and loyalty across every touchpoint, is essential for airlines as they navigate a way out of the Covid-19 crisis.

Singapore Airlines Enhances Passenger Experience with Innovative Mobile App

In today’s marketplace, it’s not enough for an airline to simply have an app. Cutting-edge functionality, efficient tools and, yes, fun bells and whistles are needed to engender consumer loyalty and drive increased revenue. The new app from Singapore Airlines ticks all the boxes and provides a new model for the industry.