Skift Trend Report:
The State of Global Wellness Travel

Skift Trend Report:
The State of Global Wellness Travel
In this report:
- The massive growth of the global wellness tourism market
- How wellness tourism activities are blending the best of Eastern and Western cultures
- The wellness orientation of China and Southeast Asia
- Up-and-coming wellness tourism destinations
- The role wellness can play in growing community
- How wellness travel can provide travelers with access to nature
Wellness today is all about connection. It’s about connecting with nature. It’s about connecting with ancient wisdom. It’s about connecting the best of Eastern and Western health modalities. It’s about connecting with others. And perhaps most importantly, it’s about connecting with yourself.
Today’s world — although increasingly connected via technology — is more disconnected than ever. People live in their bubbles, often without having significant interactions with nature or other humans for days at a time. At the same time, we’re bombarded with news of global unrest, political upheaval, the impact of climate change, and other distressing subjects, causing what Skift has deemed “a state of permanxiety” — or the near-constant state of anxiety that exists around the world.
Sometimes, the only way to break the cycle is with a change of scenery, literally and figuratively. Perhaps that’s why, in a time of discord and distress, growth patterns in wellness tourism are off the charts.
No longer satisfied merely with a massage and a yoga class, today’s wellness travelers are looking to become part of the greater wave of transformation. Some travelers may be transformed by time communing with nature. Others may find themselves transformed through the process of voluntourism. Some may find meditation to be the key to inner change.
Destinations and travel providers looking to provide well-being, rest, and relief to travelers must be aware of this evolving intent and continue to provide them with a range of tools and products that allow the transformation process to begin in a holistic way.