Dennis Schaal

Online Travel

AudioCompass to Use $400K in Seed Funding For Tour Guide Expansion

AudioCompass is certainly off to a strong start in India, and importantly its audio tour guide apps work offline. A challenge for the startup going forward is that it seems like there would be little barrier to entry among would-be competitors.

Hotel Indigo Puts Large Touch Screens in Lobbies to Serve as Neighborhood Guides

Hotel Indigo's interactive Neighborhood Guys won't point you toward the Empire State Building or Radio City Music Hall, but may direct you to Blue Smoke Jazz Standard for "urban barbecue where live music lives." For a hotel brand that prides itself on local, and digging roots in the neighborhood, this is a very nice touch.

Here’s a First Look at the Expedia-HomeAway Vacation Rental Experiment

This current version of the Expedia-HomeAway vacation rental beta functions more like an advertising relationship would than a tightly integrated booking process. These are very early days for the partnership, and what you see undoubtedly won't be the finished product.