IHG’s net zero hotel is a step forward, but the reality is that not every region or hotel owner can follow suit just yet. Access to renewable energy, sustainable materials, and even willing investors varies wildly, meaning true industry-wide change depends as much on local infrastructure as it does on big-brand ambition.
Aeroshark is a small but promising step toward greener aviation, and its adoption by multiple airlines highlights a crucial reality - climate solutions gain traction when they also make financial sense for businesses.
The Gold Coast’s swift recovery efforts highlight the region’s resilience but the long-term threat of climate change means these disasters may only become more frequent and costly.
Lufthansa is making progress in cutting passenger-related emissions mainly with more efficient aircraft, but its overall carbon footprint tells a different story.
Walt Disney World’s increasing hurricane closures aren’t just about extreme weather - they’re a reminder that even the most magical place on Earth can’t escape the consequences of a changing climate.