U.S. Meetings & Events Recovery At About 70 Percent Compared to 2019
Latest data from events business intelligence vendor Knowland for the U.S. market is showing meetings and events data for April had a significant increase of 323 percent over April 2021, but of course an unfair comparison when last year vaccines were just starting to roll out. Some interesting recovery data:
-- Attendees were ahead of 2019 levels for April with the average number of attendees per event at 118, compared to 63 in April 2021 and 74 in April 2019.
-- The top five growth markets compared to March (in order) in April were Denver, Chicago, Minneapolis, Colorado Springs, and Kansas City.
-- The corporate segment represents 63 percent of meeting and event business with Technology, Healthcare, and Training/Education taking the lead as the largest industry groups. From a recovery standpoint compared to April 2019 levels, Online Retailer, Tobacco, Charity Org/Social Services, and Biotechnology are the segments at the highest level of recovery capture in April.
-- For April, the market was 66 percent recovered compared to April of 2019.