2019 Archives


Event Security Trends in the New Year

The world is a dangerous place. As event planners are forced to manage and monitor risk, it's important to remember there are best practices for protecting your attendees.

Can Norwegian Air Survive?

We suspect Norwegian Air, which is in weaker financial shape than most passengers might expect, will survive 2019. But the first quarter will be an important harbinger of things to come. It's always a rough period for European airlines because leisure demand is slow.
Online Travel

Popular Travel Apps Shared Detailed User Information With Facebook

What's clear from the report is that Facebook and some travel apps are sharing way more personal information than they had admitted to. The backlash will undoubtedly pick up steam, although Facebook seems to have largely escaped condemnation from this latest disclosure.

Southwest Airlines Drops One of Its Wi-Fi Providers

Southwest has been stingy with the details here. Why did it sever a contract with one of its two Wi-Fi providers? Was it because the platform had spotty service? Or was there another reason?

Hotels Finally Embrace Homesharing: Now What?

Just as challenging as it is for Airbnb to offer more hotel-like options, it seems in some ways even more daunting for hotel companies to start offering more Airbnb-like accommodations.

Expect Solid Year of Growth for Travel in 2019: New Skift Research

Our latest Skift Research report provides a look-back on 2018 and details our 2019 economic expectations for the U.S. and globally. All in all, we expect a solid year of economic growth in 2019 which should translate well for the travel industry.

Courting a New Generation of Safari Goers

As African countries continue to grow their tourism markets, travelers are learning that a safari doesn't necessarily have to be a luxury, once-in-a-lifetime thing. Rather, some innovators are creating reasonably priced experiences that can serve as a great entry point for a wider range of visitors.