
Etihad Adds Residence Suite to New York Route in Open Skies Amenities Escalation

We’re not in the 1980s anymore. After a great push to initiate it and many trials to stabilize it, globalization has finally taken hold of the aviation industry. Turning back the calendar benefits very few and passengers will ultimately vote on Open Skies with their dollars, or euros, or dinars.

Conan O'Brien Takes His Show on a Work Trip to Cuba

Conan's Cuba episode makes the island seem more approachable to the show's late night TV audience and it'll be interesting to see what effect media events like this will have on American travel to the country.

Interview: Tourism New Zealand CEO on Smarter Digital Marketing

New Zealand knows its niche as an outdoors and adventure destination and plays that specific card only to the travelers that have already show interest in similar activities. Playing any other angle is a waste of time for the distant destination.

U.S. Airlines Promise to Get More Aggressive Towards Gulf Carrier Rivals

Unless the U.S. government curtails competition from Gulf carriers, U.S. airlines just can't compete. That is the argument that American's Scott Kirby is making. It seems ironic coming so soon after a mega-airline merger that was supposed to put the airline on firm competitive footing.
Online Travel

Is Travel Metasearch Still Sizzling?

While the blurring of the lines between metasearch sites and online travel agencies is taking place, there are legions of critics and boycotters, including some major online travel agencies, airlines and hotel groups.