The Parker's Palm Springs outpost already held the dubious honor of hosting a reality show that was criticized for being too scripted, which certainly won't help when the jury assesses character.
Lost in the battle over Virgin's lost contract this summer and fall were the complaints that whichever private company is running the rails in Britain runs them less reliably and more expensive than the government run system that preceded it.
How do you know you're staying in a bad place? When the UN reminds you that tens of thousands of people were recently killed right next to your beachside bungalow.
Nepal has historically overplayed its hand in low-end tourism, and now it has an image problem, besides its own internal political issues. It only has to look at neighboring Bhutan on how to build responsible, higher end tourism.
Las Vegas sees the writing on the wall on many fronts: Macau is bigger for big time gamblers, U.S. local economy will still keep Vegas market depressed for a while, and to get a bigger audience, it needs to move beyond its party-hard image.
Seychelles competes with the Maldives for a small and wealthy group of international tourists, but the tourism industries of both island destinations are at risk from global warming and rising waters in coming years.
The numbers are up slightly from the complete doldrums of August, but they continue to reflect the unease many visitors have visiting event the safe destinations in a region full of uprisings.