For the travel moments you can't tweet, tweet them anyway

Skift Take
Social sharing is all the rage in tourism marketing these days, and why not? It is free promotion, and scalable in a cost effective way few other mediums could achieve. Now that everyone's got religion, how do you break through the hashtag bloat? The Wine Council of Ontario thinks it has the idea for it: build a campaign around "untweetable" indescribable moments that are hard to capture in words/tweets, and are there to be savored in the moment instead.
The new "Untweetable" ad campaign for Wine Country Ontario launched late June in outdoor, print and social media throughout the province and is "challenging Ontario consumers to discover, capture and share the moments and rich experiences of our local wine country by asking them to imagine and ultimately Tweet the "untweetable"."
So it is a have your cake and eat it too king of campaign: the travel/activity moments in Ontario around wine are so good, they're practically unspeakable, but at the same time, please do capture that perfect moment, and tweet about it. Basically.
The campaign and the promotion is asking consumers to tweet the "untweetable" experience with an image or text, using, what else, the hashtag #untweetable, with a chance to win one of two Wine Country Ontario getaways.
It reminds us a bit of the iconic "Priceless" campaign that MasterCard has bet its brand on since 1997, only updated for this social world of 2013. Unlikely this will have the same staying power, but marks for being different from other such destination campaigns.
Agency: Agency59
Country: Canada
Chief Creative Officer: Brian Howlett
Copywriter: Brian Howlett
Creative Director/ art director: Andrew Gillingham
Photographer: Peter Chou
Studio Lead: Jared Smith
Production Lead: Deirdre Hughes