
Choice Hotels forms division to sell its technology to rivals

Officials hope the new Choice Hotels division will break out of the slow-moving hotel world, and make its mark as a technology startup. Whether creating a new division will help entice competitor chains and independents to sign on remains to be seen.
Skift Originals

The changed travel purchase cycle in a digital world

Now you now why it is hard for startups -- and indeed traditional players -- to be successful in digital: all the historical industry-defined value chains have blurred -- we would even argue the phases of dreaming, planning, booking, destination aren't as clear as this report says -- and consumers are jumping across all of these using all the digital tools at their disposal.

Cyprus crisis means deals for sun-seeking European tourists

The British slowed their visits to Cyprus before the financial crisis; for them it was as much about not wanting to bend to the tastes of the new Russian travelers than it was vacationing in a destination hit hard by the euro crisis.