SkiftDesign: Reimagining an air service for families
Skift Take
What if there was a new airline, or a separate brand within an existing airline, that focused on the needs of family travelers from the ground up? This week, RKS, a strategic design consultancy in Thousand Oaks, California unveiled cAir, a new concept in air travel for stressed-out families and their labor-intensive offspring.
Among the features envisioned, from the company description:
-- Rent-A-Toy is a toy rental service concept focused on providing hassle-free entertainment to children during the flight. The toy is returned at the end of the trip or upon arrival.
-- Sound Curtains allow instant privacy at the passenger’s seat, enabling parents to soothe or nurse a crying infant away from view.
-- Nutrient cAir Service provides a variety of familiar, nutritious, allergen-free food choices for kids as well as USB bottle warmers and personal fridge within reach.
-- Configurable Seats can adjust to accommodate children of all sizes while aisle partitions create a mini-play zone for toddlers and small kids.
-- Diaper Friendly Lavatories are large enough to fit parent and multiple children for easy diaper change. A special sink is sized for a child’s height and a waiting area outside the restroom lets kids play till their turn.
-- Layered Storage offers easy-to-reach storage compartments overhead and underneath the seat that is accessible throughout the flight.