Becoming a King of the Cloud: How Hoteliers Can Level the Playing Field Using Cloud Technology

Skift Take
The cloud has fundamentally democratized best-of-breed technology. A small, independent hotel today can be using the same technology as the largest chains in the world, and have an equal opportunity to manage the increasing complexities of online distribution and direct bookings.
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Technology improves a hotel’s ability to provide hospitality.
Yes, we said it. Not because we believe hotels should be run by robots, but because we know just 20 years ago the success of a hotel depended as much on its ties with an established chain as it did on the quality of the rooms it offered.
Today, that playing field has been leveled, not by personalization – which, rightfully, has dominated headlines within the travel and hospitality industry as of late – but by the hidden base that supports the hotel iceberg in staying afloat: technology.
Specifically, cloud technology – the internet-based tools that provide the opportunity for hotels to compete on the global stage, with independents and chains alike. The cloud allows hotels to be where travelers are; starting from the moment those travelers plan their holiday – searching, researching, comparison-shopping, in the cloud.
Demystifying the cloud for hoteliers
Ask anyone in the hotel industry what business systems they use and you will gain an appreciation for just how fragmented and disparate the booking