Launching SkiftIQ, Ver 2.0: Social Intelligence For Travel Brands
Skift Take
Little over two months ago we launched the first version of SkiftIQ, our competitive intelligence service, built around social metrics that matter to brands in travel. Since then we have been adding features, building up the algorithm behind our proprietary Skift Score for brands, and adding more travel brands into the system.
As subscribers from companies such as Starwood, Hyatt, TAM Airlines, Tourism Australia, Las Vegas Tourism, MGM Resorts and others have started using SkiftIQ, we have been rebuilding parts of SkiftIQ based on feedback and the product pipeline.
Today we're launching ver 2.0 of SkiftIQ, a completely redesigned user interface, clean and better organized, and new features. Sign up for a free trial, check out all the goodness! Go to SkiftIQ.
Brand new features in ver 2.0:
- Responsive design, SkiftIQ now works across all devices.
- Cleaner pages, updated fonts, simpler navigation.
- About 2000 travel brands in the system now, up from 600 when we launched.
- Each brand has a page dedicated to in-depth analysis of its presence and activity for each social network.
- Increased view of social activity from 14 days to 60 days.
- Unusual social followers activity from brands, category wise as well as individual brand's own spikes, as a proxy to which brands spending money in social media marketing this week.
- A comparison of social activity rate (e.g. photos/week), from a recent period (e.g. past month) versus a longer timespan (e.g. past year) to give users a better understanding of which brands are increasing or decreasing their activity.
- An analysis of what each Brand uses to tweet (e.g. Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, their phones)
- Pages devoted to in-depth analysis of how each sector (e.g. airlines, hotels) uses each social network, to give a closer view of how your competitors are increasing their visibility and how they are using their resources
- Grouping of brands by corporation and location, so that data can be analyzed from the perspective of geographical competitors or intra-corporate peers
And lots more to come in the next few months. Sign up for a trial now, and get all the goodness! Go to SkiftIQ
Some charts from SkiftIQ ver 2.0, below:
Main Dashboard page for subscribers:
Sector data for each sector of travel:
Brand data, across all social channel, main page:
Brand level social channel data, this case below for Twitter: