Everything You Need to Know About Using Devices on U.S. Airlines

Skift Take

There will be a ton of passenger confusion about what the new FAA framework on expanded use of portable electronic devices will mean for passengers, especially as it may vary airline to airline. Delta is out front in beginning to communicate these prospective changes to its customers.
The outlook is beginning to take shape on when and how passengers will be able to use portable electronic devices on U.S. airlines. Will passengers be able to power up their Kindles and iPads during takeoff? What will happen when taxiing from the gate on international flights? Delta Air Lines, which introduced Wi-Fi on its aircraft seemingly eons ago in 2008, was out front this morning in light of the FAA announcement on expanded use of electronic devices, and published an FAQ on expected portable device rules under the new framework. While these rules and guidelines apply to Delta flights specifically, they provide a great perspective on how things might play out for passengers on other airlines, as well. We reprint Delta's FAQ in full, and you can also read it on Delta.com.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS – PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES What is a portable electronic device and when can it be used on Delta and Delta Connection aircraft?

A portable electronic device (PED) is any piece of lightweight, electrically or battery-powered equipment. These devices are typically consumer electronic devices functionally capable of communications, data processing and/or utility.

Approved PEDs may be used from gate to gate on flights operating within the U.S. On flights operating outside of the U.S., all PEDs must be turned off and stowed prior to pushback and while the aircraft is under 10,000 feet.

Will customers be able to use portable electronic devices on all Delta flights?

Due to international regulations, expanded PED usage will be allowed only on flights within the 50 United States and does not include U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. PED use on certain portions of international flights originating or terminating in the U.S. is not allowed.

Approved PED Use Overview

* DVD players, laptop computers, and other devices that exceed the size/weight restrictions must be stowed for taxi, takeoff, and landing.

PED use on the ground and during takeoff and landing should be limited to small, lightweight devices less than 2 lbs. These devices should be of a size that could easily be secured in a seat pocket without exc