

Mozambique Tourism Looks Beyond Cyclone Kenneth and 4 Other Tourism Trends This Week

  • Skift Take
    This week in tourism, growth in luxury travelers to Mozambique is under threat, Booking launches a pilot allowing users to reserve experiences only, and some new travel clubs aim to foster a sense of community.

    Battered Mozambique Tourism Looks Beyond Cyclone Devastation: There’s some hard work ahead to correct public perceptions, but luxury tourism in northern Mozambique should be able to weather the fallout from Cyclone Kenneth. And the local economy needs it now, more than ever.

    Booking Drops Hotel Requirement to Book Tours and Activities:’s hotel focus has given way to a strategy to serve travelers at every portion of the trip. TripAdvisor already does it, Expedia too. Airbnb is on that full-service road. So will have plenty of company.

    Crafting a New Generation of Membership Travel Clubs: Travel has always been as much about who you meet as what you do in a new location. These intentional approaches to community and relationship building, fostered by immersive curated experiences, are what luxury looks like to an increasingly disconnected population.

    Travel Advisors See Trip Insurance Opportunity Where Credit Cards Fall Short: Awareness of the need for travel insurance is on the rise in some quarters. This trend offers significant opportunities for travel advisors to generate additional revenue and offer peace of mind to travelers.

    Europe’s Tourism Boom Is Slowing Down: Europe’s pace of growth looks like it will take a step back this year. Hopefully this will coincide with a continent-wide reassessment of how it can better manage tourism.

    Photo Credit: Island of Mozambique, located off the north coast of Mozambique. Stig Nygaard / Flickr
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