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Articles tagged “virgin galactic”


Space tourism risks and realities confronted at Montreal meeting

Space tourism might realistically mean entering space to go from Paris to Tokyo in two hours instead of spending a week on Mars, but even such a modest goal is decades and a few accidental deaths away.


Virgin’s SpaceShipTwo thrusts engines: Suborbital travel one step closer

Nothing quite captures the imagination like space, and when you throw Branson into the mix too it'll be hard to dampen the enthusiasm once flights start.

Virgin’s SpaceShipTwo thrusts engines: Suborbital travel one step closer


Virgin Galactic space ship completes its 24th test flight in Mojave desert

Branson's space ambitions are one step closer now. You have to hand it to him for bringing the common man -- albeit one with hundreds of thousands of dollars -- one step closer to space travel.

Virgin Galactic space ship completes its 24th test flight in Mojave desert


Branson protests paying rent for his Virgin Galactic spaceport

Is the once-bullish Branson having second thoughts on his $1 million annual rent obligation as the launch of space tourism drifts farther into the future?

Branson protests paying rent for his Virgin Galactic spaceport

Online Travel

Virgin Galactic competes with scrappy startup XCOR to take the first tourist to outer space

Neither company will likely make their goal of launching in 2014, but rather than spend millions on a spaceport, Branson would be wiser to look into acquiring the rocket scientists running XCOR.


Virgin Galactic threatens to cancel contract with U.S. spaceport over liability protection

As the only company considering space tourism seriously enough to sign a 20-year lease with a monthly rent of $84,000, Virgin holds all the cards in negotiations with the New Mexican terminal.

Virgin Galactic threatens to cancel contract with U.S. spaceport over liability protection