Hey Hotels, Stop Making a Fool Out of You and Me

Skift Take

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This post comes from our partner buuteeq. Follow @buuteeq Assumptions are so not cute. Let me give you an example. Back in 2006, I worked as a paralegal, a job that once sent me on an extended business trip to Europe. In the Netherlands, the first stop, our five-person team stood before the front desk, jet-lagged and cranky. We watched the clerk type like a boss, as though the harder he struck the keyboard, the more satisfied we’d feel with his service. “Mister Chris?” he finally asked, shooting an eager look from woman to woman to woman. I should mention that while the gender split at the law firm leaned to the side of dudes, this trip’s team was all-female. Not a single Mister among us. Apparently, though, the head partner’s unisex name had thrown our little manservant for quite the loop. The assumption that the person in charge of our group was male made a fool out of the front desk guy, not to mention the hotel. But the mistake also seems emblematic of a larger problem faced by the hospitality industry. Namely, hotels have perenni