Skift Take
People who travel with their pets are more rapidly passionate about the subject than even the most strident of family travel advocates. For the most part, there's room for everyone to get along. Unless you leave your dogs in the hotel room while you go out dancing, as the people next to me did last night.
As Americans, we love our pets and we love to travel.
How much?
Given the chance, 51% of U.S. pet owners said they would bring their pets on every trip they took, according to a new survey by the American Automobile Assn. and Best Western International Inc., one of the world’s largest hotel chains.
Among the pet owners surveyed, 95% said finding lodging that accepts animals is crucial to travel planning. But if they can’t find pet-friendly hotels or motels, 25% of those surveyed said, they sneak their pets into their rooms anyway.
Not all pets make good travel buddies. Eighty-five percent of pet owners say they travel with a dog and only 21% bring along a cat, according to the survey.
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Tags: pets